Tuesday 18 November 2008

After a weekend of rest, which was well needed, I am on again finishing everything to the final hand in. I missed critiques on the packaging brief, do to delays on the film I was working on. But even though the film took a lot of time away from my other work I am really glad I did it. As an experience it was amazing and the long days we kept on working on the set could not have been more enjoyable. It was team work at its best. We where all working together, only time being our enemy. I have so much respect for all the different people working on the team, from the cameraman to the director, including the roles of makeup artist, sound technicians and set designers. I really do admire all of their skills and patience. For me as an actress, it was a lot about waiting around and also delivering the best I could, at the right timing and about forgetting myself and getting rid of my inhibitions. I think all and all the experience was a delight for everyone included in it and we should be proud of our selves.

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