Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Whenever you find yourself in the side of majority, it is time to pause and reflect. Mark Twain

We had a big debate about this quote with my housemate. Mainly, because we see it differently. His take on it was, that you have to try to be different, unique and whenever you find yourself in the side of majority that is a bad thing. Maybe he is right. Maybe the quote is not the perfect one. My take on it was that masses often create stupidity. People, forget to think with their own brain or want someone else to think for them. That's why it is easier and safer to be part of a group. After all the quote does say, pause and reflect, not necessary change your standpoint, but reflect. Reflecting is never bad. Either way, I like the quote maybe just because of the simple reason, that it made us talk, debate and for me that is always a positive thing.

I think this applies in every creative designing process. Try to think outside the box, not with the mass. Don't see things the way everyone else does. Bring something new to the table. Pause, and reflect on everything you see around you and everything you already know.

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