Friday 28 November 2008


Yesterday I went to a talk led by Wayne Hemingway. He started his talk by saying, how this time we are living in is an exhiting time for anyone involved in creativity. He exampled Fairtrade, which is something he is passionate about, driven by creative people. And he used himself and his partner/wife as examples, demonstrating, that it is not the people with best skills, but the people with creative minds, who get the best results. He told, that the reasons behind his success, is creativety, seeing an opportunity where no one else does, using the opportunity and not being afraid of failure. What I really liked about his talk, was his emphasis on creativity. Creative minds notice things. And that is something I agree on.

What he told his driving forces where in the beginning of his career, where desire to earn money, not wanting to work for anybody and youth culture. In his words, everyone gets an opportunity and when the opportunity comes be open minded. Don't be afraid of failure. Don't think what others think about it.

Many things he said makes cense , and during his talk I found myself nodding to a lot of things because I truly agree with them. For example, the best designers bring their own experience in their work and the importance of a design is in its content, in what it stands for. The looks come later. If you have a good idea, the end product will usually end up looking good as well.

All and all it was a good talk from a funny, grounded man. I really enjoyed it!

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