Monday, 1 December 2008

A new brief, a new project. At first I wasn't that interested in creating a web page. All I could think was, that it is all screen based, and that for me is the least inspiring part of creating. Then I stepped back and after thinking about it and looking more carefully at the brief, I realized all the possibilities. We are given complete freedom to create our site, to create our own identity, through images. That is a great opportunity, not just to get your work open to the world but to actually examine what makes your design unique and yours. What makes my line when I draw mine and what it is I really want to say with my art.

I watched an animation by called Music Box.In that animation tiny creatures go to a box with hands and the box conducts the creatures, which all make differant sounds. It made me think how much effect sound has. Combining moving images with sound is definately something I am interested in.
I ma thinking of creating an animation in the front of my web page. I could even create the sounds my self, playing my flute. This is an intersting idea I will give some thought.

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