Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Emailing Anna Middleton about my CVC essay

Hi Anna,

This is my development so far, since I missed your seminar due to feeling ill.

Here is what I am working on at the moment concerning the essay. I am thinking of exampling Blade Runner, since it is an influential, well recognized piece, which has visually a lot to offer and a story I personally like. I have seen the movie many times, but need to look at some case studies about it and maybe research the visual side of it more. Beside this I am thinking of exampling something a little more original ( since Blade Runner is a quite obvious example ). Maybe having, what is recognized as the first science fiction story, Voyage dans la Lune, directed by French director ad magician Georges Melies, as an another example.

Books that I am reading at the moment are:

The Salmon of Doubt by Douglas Adams

Beyond Lies the Wub by Philip K Dick

The Foundation Trilogy by Isaac Asimov

I find these books interesting and relevant to me at the moment, because they all have fore words or mini essays explaining, analyzing and the stories, which all fall in the category of science fiction. Fore words are by such people as Stephen Fry and Roger Zelazny. I still need to look at some more case studies conserning the visual world of science fiction and take examples of graphic novels and/or animation ( Ghost In the Shell, manga ).

This is as far as I have got. But I will have more concrete information as my research progress.

Best wishes
Milla Koivisto

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