Thursday, 5 March 2009


Today I have been gathering my research and dividing it into different categories to make further research easier for me.

- Writing and illustrating a short story, working title; People don´t really die they go on vacation.

- Research areas:
a narrative in a story, short story, science fiction, editorial illustration, illustration in science fiction, limited editions, artists sketchbooks, book binding, printing techniques.

Harry Clarke
Aubrey Beardsley
Jan Svankmajer
Herbert Baglione

-Authors ( for inspiration in writing ):
Haruki Murakami
Ernest Hemingway
Oscar Wilde

Books I am researching:
Beyond Lies The Wub by Philip K Dick
The Salmon Of Doubt by Douglas Adams
The Foundation Trilogy by Isaac Asimov

Visual Inspirations:
Blade Runner
All Is Full Of Love, Björk, music video by Chris Cunningham
Seaglopur, Sigur Ros, music video
Ghost In Shell, animation

Musical inspirations:
Sigur Ros

Further research:
Eye Magazine, essay, What does it really mean to call for a graphic designer to be an author
Soemtimes I think Sometimes I am, Sara Fanelli
Graphic storytelling and visual narrative, Will Eisner
The art of fiction, John Gardner
The philosophy of composition, Edgar Allan Poe
Short Story, NBC present
The science fiction and fantasy writers of America
Janet and Allen Alberg, illustrators and authors
Ursula Le Guin, author
Mervyn Peake, illustrator
Jan Svankmajer, animator
Andrei Klimovski, illustrator

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