Monday, 2 March 2009

Week starts off with a running nose.

I missed Anna`s CVC seminar today due to a running nose, cold and fever. This means I will be working from home and hopefully feel good enough soon to go into library and do some research there. The plan for this week is to get as much research done as possible, to really concentrate on what I need to research and how much. I also need to hand in my research and development so far for Anna by Tuesday. On Friday we have an interim critique, which means I need to gather up all the information I got so far for a presentable form. I set myself a time limit on my writing. By Friday I need to have my story in its finalized from. I still have some work to do on that area. What is also important is to make a grander scale time plan and stick to it. This way I will meet the requirements I wrote on my learning agreement. I also need to email one of the artists I admire ( Herbert Baglione ), who was kind enough to answer some of my questions about his work.

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