The further the FMP project goes, more clear it gets how important, making notes, doing time plans ( and sticking to them ) is. The mount of research that is required in this project is huge and keeping it all under control and your head on top of it all is a task. Research leads into more research. Because I wrote my own brief, I also dictate what I research. This is deliberating but also exhausting. Possibilities are endless, many decisions have to be made concerning time and the amount of research you look into. It becomes a skill to know what is important enough to research and what to leave outside the research.
What I am focusing on at the moment is finalizing the short story. I set myself a deadline to have it ready by the 6th of March. I think it is important to stick to that deadline for further development of my project. I will not be graded or marked on my writing or the content of the story and this is why I need to get it done as soon as possible so that I can focus on the areas I will be marked on.
For feedback about writing, mainly about who`s point of view the story is told, I turned for help to Anna Middleton. She is also been helpful, since I am linking her CVC unit to this one, to broaden my research and of the topic matter ( science fiction ). Some books I am reading at the moment relevant to my topic:
Douglas Adams - The Salmon of Doubt
Philip K Dick - Beyond Lies The Wub
Isaac Asimov - The Foundation Trilogy
These are not just important, influential science fiction books, but have interesting essays as their forewords.
Even though my short story is not complete yet, and and I am taking the first steps in the field of research, I can not have stopped myself of drawing. Already I am planning and creating images in my head as well as sketching on paper. It will be an interesting process of creating a world of my own influenced by my own words.
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