Sunday 8 February 2009

Free writing

Free writing is sometimes called automatic writing or stream-of-consciousness writing. It is a method of freeing the mind and the imagination and enabling you to be creative. Free writing brings to the surface thoughts and ideas the conscious mind censors. It develops momentary and spontaneity, and is improvisational by nature.

This is something I tried. I used a method of writing ten minutes non-stop about a set topic. My chosen one was a lie. The point in free writing is, that it doesn`t have to make sense. You can drift, write uncompleted sentences without censoring anything. The point of free writing is really to get the flow going, to write about anything and everything.

I have been writing a lot in the past and used this method before. It is a good starting point and makes your mind open to possibilities and routes that you where not necessary aware of earlier. It is a good exercise to prevent the writers block. Like John Foster said; Go with it and it will surprise you!

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