Thursday, 12 February 2009

Inspiration and advise from people you admire

Roughly a week ago I emailed on of my favorite artist, Herbert Baglione, to get some inspiration for FMP. Here is our correspondence so far.


Milla Koivisto:

My name is Milla Koivisto and I study Arts at Bournemouth, United Kingdom. I am starting a new project in which I plan to write and illustrate a story. For research and inspiration I am contacting artists who I admire and who inspire me.

Would you be up for answering a couple of questions about your art, inspirations and the way you work?

Have a good day!


Herbert Baglione:

Hello Milla, sorry for the delay...
and thanks a lot for the request, yes I can answer your questions.

You can send them at my email address.

Don?t cry




Milla Koivisto:

Thank you very much! I will send you some questions in couple of days in your email address.


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