Monday, 9 February 2009

I can see a busy week in-head of me

I have the great pleasure to be part of an another film at the Arts Institute. It is a fake documentary ( mocumentary ), titled Tangerine about a girl who suffers from narcolepsy, a decease that makes her fall asleep when feeling strong emotions and the guys making a documentary about her and getting obsessed with her. The film is directed by a second year film student Hendrik Faller ( who I had the pleasure to work with on his last project Thug of War ). I am playing the main character, under the alias Tangerine.

The whole day yesterday was spent on the beach walking around, for the cameraman to get some rehearsing on how to shoot us and getting to know my costar. we also met with Hendrik to look at my characters wardrobe and this evening will consisnt of rehearsals. Preparing, rehearsing and filming takes a lot of time, dedication and effort, especially, when we start shooting on Friday. This mean I have to be really organized and schedule my time well. even though this week and the weekend will be extremely buys and stressful for me, I cant seem to be able to say no to these great opportunities, to work with interesting people and to broaden my knowledge and to be apart of someone else's vision.

Today I met with Anna Middleton to launch her CVC unit. I talked about my interest to go to third year illustration and about what kind of illustrator I am. Waht I told her was, tha I was thinking of linking my FMP brief ( writing and illustrating a book ) into this unit. She thought that was a good idea and gave me thinks to look at and things to consider. I mentioned my interest in the story telling that for example Edgar Allan Poe delivers and what artists, such as Harry Clarke and Aubrey Beardsley, who illustrated his stories, can contribute. I am fascinated in words and images interacting and the new meanings or depth a story can get from illustrations.

Anna advised me to look at couple of Poe´S stories and what have been done with them, film wise, animation ( Simpsons, The Raven ), illustrations.

I have been doing free writing and this morning I got some great images in my head, when writing a piece about; something dangerous. I quickly sketched my ideas in a form of a story board not to loose them. Very, very rough images, but I have a start from where to work further on. I have been also looking at an animation by Andy Huang called Doll Face ( posted earlier on here ). What I like about it is the sad, clinical atmosphere, the use of empty space and criticism towards the culture in which we live in. Interesting enough, when watching the clip me and my friend disagreed what the core meaning or message of it was.

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