Tuesday 17 February 2009

A fresh start for the week

I spent the whole weekend filming a face documentary, called Tangerine about a girl suffering from narcolepsy. I played the main character Tangerine. Because of the long hours on the set and locations, I did not have any time to do my own work. All of my spare time was spent sleeping ( this meant couple of hours a night ). Now that I have had some time of my project, I feel, more clear about what direction to take and ready to get back to write, illustrate and research.

Yesterday we ventured out to London to get some inspiration and influences. This was very refreshing. I rarely do get the opportunity to get out of Bournemouth. We arrived at Tate Britain at twelve o`clock. From there we all went to our separate ways to find our own inspirations. I visited the Graphic Centre to get some materials, mainly different papers I want to test for my images. we also visited the book binding shop. Most of my day was spent in the underground with Vicky. When not living in a big city you forget how crowded it gets. The tube was packed with people, pushing each other and the air was hot to the point where it became almost unbearable. The quiet streets and alleyways of Nothing Hill where a nice break from the busy city. We sat in cafes watching people, talking about life and gathering our energy. The day was quickly over and we only experienced a little piece of what London has to offer.

My biggest inspiration on the trip was watching peoples reflections on the tube windows. The way the glass alters, changes and distorts the reality. That is what I find interesting.

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